Mr. Chartrand is currently working in the Crew Systems and Aviation Operations Branch at NASA’s Langley Research Center. For the past twelve years he has primarily been conducting research in support of the ADS-B In-Trail Procedure. His involvement has included concept and simulation development, planning and execution of Human In The Loop and batch experiments, and analysis of data from the FAA/United Airlines operational evaluation. He is currently part of a team developing the Pairwise Trajectory Management concept for oceanic airspace, Trajectory Based Operations, and is the lead on the TMX simulation at Langley which is being used to support multiple research efforts at NASA. Mr. Chartrand graduated from Syracuse University with a Bachelors degree in Aerospace Engineering.
1. Murdoch, Jennifer L., et al, Enhanced Oceanic Operations Human-In-The-Loop In-Trail Procedure Validation Simulation Study, NASA/TP-2008-215313, June 2008
2. Carreño, Victor, Chartrand, Ryan, Wind Characterization for the Assessment of Collision Risk During Flight Level Changes, NASA/TM-2009-215717, April 2009
3. Chartrand, Ryan C., et al, Operational Improvements from Using the In-Trail Procedure in the North Atlantic Organized Track System, NASA/TM-2009-215939, October 2009
4. Chartrand, R.C., Hewitt, K.P., Sweeney, P.B., Graff, T.J., Jones, K.M., In-Trail Procedure Air Traffic Control Procedures Validation Simulation Study, NASA/TM-2012-217327, January 2012
5. Jones, Denise R. et al, Airport Traffic Conflict Detection and Resolution Algorithm Evaluation, NASA/TP-2016-219334, August 2016
6. Jones, K. M., Graff, T. J., Chartrand, R. C., Carreño, V., and Kibler, J. L., “Pairwise Trajectory Management (PTM): Concept Overview,” 2017 AIAA Aviation Forum, AIAA Paper 2017-2643259, Denver, CO, June 2017.
7. Chartrand, Ryan, Ballard, Kathryn, “Benefits of using Pairwise Trajectory Management in the Central East Pacific” 2017 AIAA AVIATION forum, AIAA Paper 2017-2646347,Denver, CO, June 5-9, 2017.