Wake Mitigation benefits have been found in results from the implementation of the FAA’s RECAT standards.

Cessna Citation encountering wake of A300

Benefits include increasing arrival rate by 20%, saving 3.3 minutes/flight in taxi-out time and 2.6 minutes/flight, 4.18 million gallons fuel savings per year, and a reduction of 39,992 metric tons of carbon dioxide per year. The goal of wake mitigation led to the creation of CSAOB’s Wake Modeling Group.

The Wake Modeling Group developed wake and weather dependent analytical engineering models, data sets, and analysis in order to increase the potential for improved capacity, reliability, and efficiency of the National Airspace System (NAS) while maintaining or improving safety. Other goals of the group include developing wake expertise for spacing categorization, forensic reconstruction of weather and wake related aviation accidents, and to support advanced ATM concepts development. The group has collaborated with the FAA to develop and incorporate viable wake vortex solutions into the NAS, and with the international community to create expertise.

Models Developed by the CSAOB

Fast-Time Wake Prediction Models

Modified Wake Tracking Algorithm (WakeMod)

Large Eddy Simulation

Models used in Wake Vortex Research by CSAOB

Numerical Weather Prediction (NCEP/NCAR)

Computational Fluid Dynamics (NASA LaRC)

External Agreements

Interagency with FAA for data sharing (IAA-882)

Interagency collaboration agreement with DLR

Volpe: Technical support to FAA Wake Turbulence Research Program

Software Exports (Wake Models & Lidar Algorithm)


CSSI, Inc.


George Mason University


NorthWest Research Associates

Virginia Tech


Datasets Delivered






Tech POC: Nashat Ahmad